Issue 1, Page 1-111.
MgO-SiO2 Nanocomposite: For
Adsorption of Aflatoxin in Wheat Flour Samples
Yaffer and Antonino Kamer
pages 1-11.
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toxicity of selenium oxide nanoparticles conjugated with folic acid and
antibody on the mononuclear cells from patients with chronic lymphoid leukemia
and from normal persons
Yaffer, Antonino Kamer and Kaloic Abbas
pages 12-29.
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effects of folic acid-functionalized gold nanoparticles together with different
irradiations on the peripheral blood mononuclear cells from cancerous and
normal persons
Nurian Aragoniab, Gonzalium Lopez
pages 30-57.
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The effect of different bio-macromolecules coating of titanium
oxide nanoparticles on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Alfonsin Navarroes, Annaim
Cordeiasro, Martaol Pratcorona, Joan Castellanklo, Miguel
Angella Torrentein
pages 58-78.
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nanoparticles coated with different proteins: cytotoxicity evaluation and
related mechanisms
Mariana Pollanian, Maria Ruizian
pages 79-99.
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coated MnO2 nanoparticle: its antileishmanial
activity and toxicity
Lopezass-Abente, Nuriaiop Aragones
pages 100-111.
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